File No. 713.001/4.
Mr. Andrew Carnegie to the Acting Secretary of State.
Dornoch, Southerland, October 7, 1910.
Dear Sir: In reply to yours of September 20,3 inclosing Mr. Merry’s letter regarding the proposed temporary structure, I beg to say that I have already been approached through Mr. Barrett and replied that on no account would I be a party to the erection of any temporary structure. The money appropriated for a permanent structure must be applied to that object and none other. The balance on hand should be remitted to me at New York and form part of the sum which I am to spend for the new courthouse.
It will be in your recollection that reports were made of the improper construction of the former building, these stating that the probability was that if it had been properly constructed it would have withstood the earthquake. I think it would be advisable when the next structure is determined upon for us to see the plans and mode of construction. I do not wish to erect a structure which is not what it should be and I am sure you will understand how reluctant I should be to have anything to do with a mere temporary structure costing a few thousand dollars.
Very truly, yours,
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