File No. 812.00/1879.


No. 1418.]

Excellency: The department of foreign relations directs me to represent to your excellency that in the course of the recent attack on Tijuana, Lower California, Mexico, by a force of adventurers from the United States, 12 Federal employes on duty at that time were driven to flight and crossed into American territory.

They are now at San Diego, Cal., where they are detained by the local authorities. According to some reports, confirmation of which has not yet reached the. embassy, these employees have been subjected to molestations which can not be supposed to have been offered by the authorities which have them in custody, but rather were inflicted by the sympathizers the filibusters have in the State of California.

I have therefore to entreat your excellency that the necessary orders be issued at the earliest possible date, in accordance with justice and the relations of cordial friendship which happily exist between Mexico and the United States, to have the Mexican employees under consideration released and punishment inflicted on the guilty as provided by law, if the deplorable fact should be verified that the said employees have suffered any molestation.

I beg your excellency to be pleased to accept, etc.,

M. de Zamacona.