File No. 812.00/1881.
The Mexican Ambassador to the Secretary of State.
Washington, May 13, 1911.
Excellency: The embassy has received the note of the department under your excellency’s worthy charge, dated the 9th instant, by which it is pleased to inform me that, by order of the War Department, The Adjutant General of the Army sent to the commander of the Department of the Colorado a telegram dated the 6th of the same month authorizing him to release all the Mexican soldiers in the service of the Federal Government.
Your excellency adds that the arms, ammunition, and war material belonging to the said Mexican soldiers will be held by the military authorities of the United States until completion of the inquiry instituted in the case.
I have no doubt that on this as on all like occasions the Government of the United States will act in the spirit of justice by which all its acts are animated and that the orders forwarded to the commander of the Colorado will be favorable to the interest Mexico has in the [Page 485] return of the said supplies on no other ground than that of finding in a decision of this Government evidence of its good will toward that of Mexico.
I take pleasure, etc.,