File No. 812.00/1619.


No. 509.]

Sir: I have the honor to advise the Department that a serious condition in the town of Parral, Chihuahua, was called to the attention of the embassy by the consul at Saltillo, by the British legation here, and by Mr. David B. Gemmill, of the West Mexican Mines (Ltd.), recently.

[Page 469]

The situation seemed sufficiently serious to warrant the embassy in taking immediate action, and I have the honor to inclose to the Department herewith copies of two notes which I have addressed to the foreign office asking that prompt and adequate protection be afforded the American lives and property in danger.

I have, etc.,

Henry Lane Wilson.
[Inclosure 1.]

The American Ambassador to the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

No. 340.]

Mr. Minister: On account of the alarming reports which have been received at this embassy from the American consul at Saltillo and information extended the embassy by the British Legation in this city concerning the jail delivery in the town of Parral, which placed at large 43 prisoners, including a number of murderers and bandits, and the general unsatisfactory and unsafe conditions in the neighborhood of Parral, due to revolutionary activity, I have the honor to request that due cognizance will be taken of this state of affairs by your excellency’s Government, and that all possible measures will be promptly initiated to insure the protection of American citizens at Parral, nine of whom, the embassy is advised, along with various British, French, and German citizens, are in serious danger.

I avail, etc.,

Henry Lane Wilson.

[Inclosure 2.]

No. 358.]

Mr. Minister: In connection with my note, No. 340, of the 26th instant, in which I had the honor to call your excellency’s attention to the serious state of affairs at Parral and its consequent danger to American citizens and American interests in that vicinity, I have the honor to inclose to your excellency herewith, for your excellency’s information, copy of a letter1 from Mr. David B. Gemmill, an American citizen, the manager of the Western Mexican Mines (Ltd.). The embassy is also in receipt to-day of telegraphic instructions from the Department of State in Washington directing it to request, reserving at the same time all rights of reclamation for damages suffered, the proper protection for American lives and American interests at Parral and in that vicinity.

I avail, etc.,

Henry Lane Wilson.
  1. Not printed.