File No. 812.00/1193, 1202.

The American Ambassador to the Secretary of State.


Last night a communication from Madero was received here saying the revolutionists will be satisfied only with the retirement of Diaz and a new election. The continuing seriousness of the situation here and the chaos that would follow the overthrow of the constitutional authorities, greatly augmenting the existing danger to American lives and property, confirm the wisdom of “President Taft in taking military precautions which are due our nationals in foreign countries, due allowance being made for the dignity and sovereignty of a friendly State.

Mr. de la Barra to-day expressed both the President’s and his own satisfaction with the attitude of the American Embassy. He expected a marked improvement within three days, and that very soon he intended to go before Congress and present four measures of reform: (1) A law prohibiting reelection to the presidency; (2) reform of the judiciary; (3) local autonomy; (4) division of great landed estates.

I told Mr. de la Barra how difficult it had been to deal with the Mexican foreign office during the last four months, due to the reflection of the anti-American public opinion. He assured me there would be no cause for complaint in the future. We agreed that I should present to him a memorandum of all urgent cases. Earnest cooperation for their solution was promised.
