File No. 761.94/59.

The American Ambassador to Russia to the Secretary of State.

No. 11.]

Sir: In continuation of this embassy’s despatch No. 290, of July 23, 1910, and of previous despatches on the subject of the Russo-Japanese agreement as to railways in Manchuria,2 I have the honor herewith to forward the French text (with translation) of a protocol signed here on the 14th instant and made public to-day. The elaborated agreement as to freight, I am informed, has been signed but is not yet in form to publish. The text inclosed is furnished by the Japanese Embassy.

I have, etc,

Curtis Guild.


The Imperial Russian Government and the Imperial Japanese Government, wishing to facilitate, in accordance with the provisions of the first supplementary [Page 82] article annexed to the provisional convention, signed in St. Petersburg on the 31st May/13th June, 1907,1 concerning the adjustment of the services of the Russian and Japanese (Japanese-Russian) railways in Manchuria, the direct transport of goods between, the two countries by the Russian and Japanese (Japanese-Russian) railways and steamers, have agreed to the following:

Both Governments will permit the interested railways and shipping companies to make arrangement as to direct transport of goods. These arrangements must be submitted for confirmation to both Governments before they are put into practice.
Both Governments undertake in case of necessity to take all legislative measures required for the putting into force of the said arrangements.

In witness whereof the undersigned, duly empowered by their Governments, have signed the present convention and affixed their seals thereto.

. [seal.]
. [seal.]