File No. 493.11a/9.

The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

No. 191.]

Sir: Referring to the legation’s telegram of October 16,1 and of the Department’s telegraphic reply thereto of October 22,1 with regard to the indemnity claims by American citizens growing out of the Changsha riots in April, 1910, I have the honor to inform you that I am in receipt of a note from the Wai-Wu Pu, dated the 23d instant, informing me that a settlement of these claims was effected between the two Chinese officials appointed by the viceroy of the Liang Hu Province and the American consul general at Hankow on January 28, 1911. The total award to the American claimants amount to 53,934.58 taels. The foreign office also inclosed copy of the agreement in Chinese and in English, and asked that I place it on the legation files.

A copy of the draft agreement was sent me by the consul general at Hankow, requesting my approval and authorization for him to sign. After carefully perusing the agreement I authorized the consul general to sign it. A copy of the foreign office note2 and [Page 80] of the agreement as signed are inclosed herewith. The consul general informs me that the American claimants have been paid.

I have, etc.,

W. J. Calhoun.


Be it agreed that, inasmuch as on the fifth day of the third moon of the second year of Hanan T’ung, being the 14th day of April, 1910, the famished people of Changsha, in the Province of Hunan, made certain disturbances, involving thereby foreign merchants and missionaries in losses, their excellencies Viceroy Jui of the Hu-Kuang and Governor Yang of the Province of Hunan, and his excellency James W. Calhoun, American Minister at Peking, have respectively appointed us, the Taotais Wang and Wang, and myself the American Consul, to discuss, impartially and with justice, a method of settlement in order that friendly feelings may be strengthened, and that discussion having now been completed and nothing having been omitted, we are finally settled upon the following:


The losses sustained by the American merchants and missionaries are as follows:

Standard Oil Co $38,497.45
United Evangelical Mission 23,893.76
American Church Ms 9,895.20
Dr. E. D. Vanderburgh 1,074.47
Mustard and Co 844.50
Mrs. L. Berst (nee Newman) 187.35
Total 74,392.53
which equals (0.725), 53,934.58 Hankow taels.

Wherefore, let it be understood that it is necessary to pay 53,934.58 Hankow taels.


This matter having been once settled, the said firms and missionaries shall not raise further questions or make fresh demands for compensation in this case.


Since the famished people of Changsha have made disturbances involving the foreign merchants and missionaries in losses, the local officials at Changsha will hereafter undertake to be more assiduous in their protection.


The above sum will be paid within one month from the date of the affixing of the signatures to this document at the branch of the Ta Ch’ing Bank. Separate vouchers will be made for the money and some one will be appointed by the consul to go to the branch of the Ta Ch’ing Bank, to get and distribute the money.

Eight copies of the above articles must be made, both in Chinese and English, and after the signatures have been affixed must be approved by Their Excellencies the Viceroy and Governor and His Excellency the American Minister at Peking, after which the eight copies shall be disposed of as follows:

Wai Wu Pu 1 copy.
American Legation 1 copy.
Viceroy’s Yamen 1 copy.
Hukuang Foreign Office 1 copy.
Governor’s Yamen 1 copy.
Customs Taotai, Hankow 1 copy.
Customs Taotai, Changsha 1 copy.
American Consul, Hankow 1 copy.

[Page 81]

In testimony whereof, we, the undersigned, by virtue of our respective powers, have signed this agreement in octuplicate in the English and Chinese languages, and have affixed our respective seals.

Done at Hankow, this 28th day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eleven, and in the second year of Hsuan T’ung 12th month and 28th day.

[Seals and signatures of the representatives of the Viceroy of Hukuang and the Governor of Hunan.]

R. B. Mosher,
American Consul General, Hankow.