File No. 812.00/613.
The Secretary of State to the Mexican Ambassador.
Washington, January 24, 1911.
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 3d instant, stating that you are instructed by your Government to inform the department that Abraham Gonzáles, Cástulo Herrera, and F. J. Lomelí are engaged in seditious acts at El Paso, Tex., and to request the United States to take action against them for violating the neutrality laws.
In reply it affords me pleasure to assure you that this Government will continue to use its best endeavors to see that its neutrality laws are not violated; but I beg leave to add that it would appear from reports already sent to your embassy that investigation has shown that many of the rumors which reach the Mexican Government regarding hostile operations in the United States seem to be without foundation in fact.
A translation of your note has been sent to the Department of Justice for its consideration.
Accept [etc.],