File No. 812.00/512.


[Memorandum; in reply to the first of those of November 25.]

The Department of State is in receipt of the memorandum of his excellency the Mexican ambassador in which he advises [etc.].

This memorandum has been communicated to the Department of Justice for such action as it may deem appropriate.

The department in this connection desires to invite the attention of his excellency the Mexican ambassador to the closing portion of its memorandum of this date regarding the proper procedure in case the Mexican Government is in possession of evidence showing that the neutrality laws of the United States have been violated.


[Memorandum; in reply to the second of November 25.]

The Department of State is in receipt of the memorandum of his excellency the Mexican ambassador, dated November 25, 1910, in which he advises, [etc.].

A translation of this memorandum has been communicated to the Department of Justice [and so on verbatim as in the above].