File No. 812.00/511.
The Mexican Ambassador to the Secretary of State.
Washington, November 23, 1910.
The Government of Mexico has been informed that Francisco I. Madero was in El Paso, Tex., and that from there he is on the way to Los Angeles, Cal.
It has also been informed that an American engineer, who claims to have been appointed colonel by Madero, left St. Louis, Mo., the 21st instant with 14 American recruits, who, on their way to Mexico via Del Rio, Tex., were to be joined by 100 others.
The ambassador of Mexico hastens respectfully to transmit this news to the Department of State, in the certainty that the American Government, acting in the spirit of justice that always animates it, will exercise the necessary vigilance by arresting the Mexican agitators who, in violation of the laws of neutrality, have remained up to now completely at liberty within the territory of the Union; and that it will also prevent the above-mentioned recruiting of Americans, and their crossing the frontier.