File No. 812.00/450.

The American Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

No. 245.]

Sir: [The first part of this despatch relates the dispersal by the police of public meetings, November 12; the closing of certain places of amusement, professional schools and the university; instructions given to consuls; anonymous letters received and handed to chief of police; letters received from American citizens approving attitude of embassy and replies thereto.]

Yesterday I visited the President for the purpose of enlisting his cooperation in modifying the tone of the more violent portion of the press, notably El Pais and El Diario del Hogar, and following the discussion of this matter had a most interesting and profitable conversation with him, the substance of which is transmitted herewith in the form of a memorandum.

I refrain from an attempt to analyze the prevailing situation here, because at this moment any opinion might be misleading. I confine myself to referring to my special and confidential despatch to Mr. Knox of the 31st of October last, which in its conclusions anticipated in a very large measure the events which have recently occurred.

I have [etc.],

Henry Lane Wilson.


Having brought to the attention of the President the great source of annoyance caused by the continued publication in El Pais of articles of a violent character, commenting on the recent disturbances brought about by the lynching of Antonio Rodríguez, and asked him to use his good offices toward suppressing these articles, the President * * * said that he did not expect any further demonstrations; that the affair was now practically ended, and that for this reason he felt that any publications which insist upon keeping [Page 360] the matter before the public eye ought to be strongly reprimanded and forced to discontinue a policy with which the Government is not in accord. He further stated that the real cause of the disturbance was not the anti-American sentiments of the people, but that a number of politicians adverse to the Government had taken advantage of the unfortunate affair which happened in Texas to excite young students and men of the-laboring classes in order to discredit the Government by such disturbances as occurred here during the past week. He said that some of the leaders of the anti-Government party were the first to mingle with the students and called their attention to the Texas incident. That Madero and Flores Magón are openly buying arms and ammunition in the United States without being in the least molested by the authorities, and that unless the American Government prevents these men from making an open revolutionary propaganda against the Mexican Government and accumulation of arms and ammunition a more serious disturbance might be expected. * * * The President urged the ambassador to cooperate with him in securing the good offices of the American Government toward preventing an unlawful propaganda against his Government in the United States. He said * * * that Ambassador De la Barra had instructions from him to bring all of the above matters to the attention of President Taft as soon as he [President Taft] returns from Panama, but that he would very much appreciate it if the ambassador here would also render him his assistance toward securing such action as the American Government may be willing to take in the matter.