File No. 882.51/283.
The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador.1
Washington, December 21, 1911.
Excellency: Referring to previous correspondence with reference to the negotiation of a loan for the rehabilitation of the finances of Liberia, I take pleasure to transmit herewith, for the information of your Government and as a substitute for all preceding proofs, a copy of the final revise of the agreement for Government refunding loan, in the form in which it was approved by the Legislature of Liberia and signed by the President of that Republic on the 18th ultimo.
The Department has found it necessary to introduce into the bankers’ agreement a number of changes in order to insure the cordial approval of all the governments concerned in the customs receivership to be established as security for the loan. Besides the changes which were made necessary by the increase of the amount of the loan to $1,700,000, several changes in form were made which have the effect of making the receivers advisers of the general receiver in a more intimate sense than was contemplated by the original agreement and by the loan act of 1911.
The Liberian Government has appointed as general receiver Mr. Reed Paige Clark, who expects shortly to leave the United States for his post.
It is thought that the conclusion of the contract for the loan will be completed in the near future, when your Government will be asked for its formal acquiescence in the agreement and for the appointment of its receiver under the terms of the contract.
I have, etc.,
- Mutatis mutandis to the French and German ambassadors.↩