File No. 11675.
The Secretary of State to the Italian Ambassador.
Washington, February 19, 1908.
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 7th instant, inviting the Government of the United States to be represented at the international exposition of industry and labor which is to be held at Turin in 1911, and at the international exposition of art and history which is to be held at Rome in the same year.
Highly appreciating this courteous action on the part of your Government, I have the honor to say that due publicity will be given to the expositions mentioned, in order that ample time may be afforded to Americans who may desire to send exhibits to Turin and Rome.
The question of official participation by the Government of the United States in the expositions will be given consideration by the Department at the beginning of the next session of Congress.
Accept, excellency, the renewed assurance of my highest consideration.