File No. 815.00/1235.
Tegucigalpa, Honduras, March 12, 1911.
Sir: I have the honor to inclose a copy of a telegram1 requesting me in the name of the peace conference at Puerto Cortes to communicate to the revolutionary leaders in the Department of Paraiso that the conference had agreed that peace was assured and to urge suspension of their military operations in accordance with the bases. I inclose a copy of my communication of the 5th instant1 addressed [Page 304] to the commanders which, together with the bases, was telegraphed for delivery as far as the lines were open.
Mr. Henry P. Lewis overtook the revolutionists to the number of about 1,000 at Santa Lucia, 9 miles from this city. Mr. Lewis delivered my communication, made at the request of the conference, to Gen. Antonio M. Monterroso, general in chief, in the presence of other Bonilla commanders.
In this connection it might be mentioned that the armistice went into effect on February 8 and the bases were signed on March 3.
I have, etc.,