File No. 815.988.
The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
Tegucigalpa, December 27, 1910.
Sir: I have the honor to inclose a copy and translation of a telegram, dated the 22d instant,1 from the acting minister for foreign affairs of Honduras to the minister for foreign affairs of Guatemala, stating that information had been received that Honduran exiles embarked in Puerto Barrios for Punta Manambique where, under command of Gen. Andrés Leiva, they awaited orders from Gen. Manuel Bonilla to invade this country, and that war supplies for the movement had been received by the exiles from Guatemalan ports. The telegram expresses confidence that the Government of Guatemala will not tolerate the organization in Guatemala of a revolutionary movement against Honduras that would result in increasing the discredit of Central America; and expresses the hope that the necessary measures will be taken to prevent the invasion.
The reply of the minister for foreign affairs of Guatemala states that the Honduran leaders mentioned were in Guatemala City, and that the Government of Guatemala, anxious to comply with the treaties of Washington, will take the necessary measures against the plans of these gentlemen.
I have, etc.,
- Not printed.↩