File No. 838.00/672.


No. 923.]

Sir: I have the honor to state that upon receipt of the Department’s August 18, on the morning of the 19th I sent word to Mr. Leger, secretary of foreign relations, that I was ready to recognize the Leconte Government. During the morning hours he called in person and later made arrangements for me to call upon him at his department and accompany him to the Palace, where I was presented to President Leconte.

The reception was very cordial. While I had never met Mr. Leconte before, I have received letters from him and I was well acquainted with most of his cabinet and those near him.

President Leconte spoke of his desire to have a good administration. He said that his appointments to office would be with that in view. He was particularly desirous that the customs should be properly administered and that foreigners and Haitians should be dealt with justly. He spoke of his admiration for the American Government, and expressed the wish that it would by its moral support assist him in having good government.

I assured him that the American Government was ever ready in so far as it could to assist him in having good government; that the American Government was the friend of Haiti and as such was very desirous that Haiti should progress; that American capital was ready to develop Haitian resources, and that with honest administration there was sure to be progress.

I have, etc.,

H. W. Furniss.