File No. 511.4A1/989.

The Netherlands Minister to the Secretary of State.

No. 216.]

Mr. Secretary of State: Referring to my note of November last,1 relative to the meeting of International Opium Conference, I have the honor to inform your excellency, by order of my Government, that in consequence of objections made by some Governments, the date of the opening had to be changed from May 30 to July 1 next.

My Government hopes that the Government of the United States will see no objection to the change. It would also attach value to knowing before April 15 next whether your Government accepts the conditions put by the British Government in respect to the repression of the morphine and cocaine trades. As your excellency is aware, the last-named Government subjects its consent to participate in the conference to the following conditions:

That the Governments concerned shall prepare, before the conference meets, statistical statements of the trade and manufacture of those two products in their countries;
That the question of regulating the said trade and manufacture shall be embodied in the program of the conference;
That the Governments shall declare their readiness to take vigorous measures to repress the said trade and manufacture.

In consequence of the foregoing I have the honor to beg your excellency to kindly acquaint me with your views on the subject, if not already made known to the Queen’s Government.

Be pleased, etc.,

J. Loudon.