File No. 611.627/152.

The American Ambassador to the Secretary of State.


The chancellor has instructed his Government to find a friendly means of securing American rights, and I have consented, with approval of Americans, to mediate unofficially upon condition:

  • First, recognition by the Germans, as promised, of the obligation of the contracts, with provision for their execution, subject to such modifications as may be accepted by American contractors;
  • Second, the refunding of money deposited by Americans under protest;
  • Third, that German potash syndicate do not maintain agencies in the United States nor sell to others at lower prices than offered to American buyers.

Unless otherwise instructed I shall consider myself permitted thus to mediate, making no concessions of right or principle, and concluding no official engagement for the United States.

I have cautioned the Americans not to enter into any relations with the potash syndicate that would be contrary to our trust statutes, and have informed the German Government that these statutes will be enforced whenever the Department of Justice considers it necessary.
