File No. 722.2315/571
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chilean Minister.
Washington, October 12, 1911.
Mr. Minister. I take pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of your note of July 12, 1911, and desire to say that the Department has been awaiting the opportunity, which your return to Washington now offers, of communicating its reply directly to you.
You state, in pursuance of special instructions from your Government, that the Government of Chile was gratified to receive an expression of the satisfaction which the Government of the United States felt upon learning through Mr. Yoacham, at the time chargé d’affaires of your legation, of the efforts that were being put forth by Chile, in friendly cooperation with the mediating powers, to the end that the boundary difficulties between Ecuador and Peru might reach a speedy termination. You add that the Government of Chile will continue, because of the long-established bonds of friendship existing between Chile and Ecuador, and because of the desire of Chile to serve the interests of continental peace, to labor in order that these difficulties may find a pacific and satisfactory solution.
It is a matter of equally great pleasure to the Department to learn from you of the favorable reception which was given in Chile to the statement of the Secretary of State that he hoped that Chile and Peru might be able to find a basis for the settlement of the question known as that of Tacna and Arica, consistent with their national honor and interests.
While fully reciprocating the sentiments recorded by you in pointing out the cordial sympathy guiding the relations existing between the United States and Chile, and in sharing the sincere hope that the efforts of this Department and of your legation in the cause of cordial understanding between our respective countries will be effective in promoting the development of even more perfect relations of confidence,
I have, etc.