File No. 722.2315/531.

The Peruvian Minister for Foreign Affairs to the American Minister.

No. 1.]

Mr. Minister: I have had the honor to receive your esteemed communication of the 27th of the past month2 in which your excellency makes known to me that the Governments of the United States of America, of the Argentine Republic, and of Brazil counsel the Governments of Peru and Ecuador to submit to the Tribunal of Arbitration at The Hague the entire boundary question pending between these countries.

In reply I have the honor to say to your excellency that my Government appreciates at its great value the proposal of the mediating powers and trusting fully in the force of the rights of Peru, agrees to submit to the Tribunal of Arbitration of The Hague the entire boundary question pending between Peru and Ecuador.

Fulfilling the pleasant duty of expressing once more the sincere gratitude of my Government for the friendly initiative of the mediating States,

I improve this occasion, etc.,

Em. Althaus.