File No. 839.00/375.
The Acting Secretary of State to the British Ambassador.
Washington, April 26, 1911.
Excellency: Referring to previous correspondence relative to the rumored efforts of ex-President Carlos Morales to conduct a revolution against the present Dominican Government, I have the honor to inform your excellency that the acting governor of Porto Rico reports by telegraph, under date of April 24, as follows:
Referring to telegram from your office (Office of the Secretary of War), of 21st instant, United States marshal last night arrested Gens. Morales, Jiménez, and Torribio, on a Chargé of violation of neutrality law, supported by testimony and affidavits of witnesses and seized documents; bail fixed at $7,500 each; as yet unable to furnish. Correspondence seized indicates plan to use twin-screw three-mast vessel now at Somerset, Bermuda, furnished by person signing himself “Heney,” go to Inapua Island and meet schooner with arms and ammunition, the latter now stored in place referred to as “the Canadian arsenal,” and attack Puerto Plata. Correspondence indicates Capt. James C. Marmion, 181 De Kalb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Capt. John H. Sheridan, Bennett Building, 99 Nassau Street, New York City; Rugenio Deschamps, 225 West One hundred and twenty-third Street, New York City, connected with arrangements for securing and delivering munitions and vessel. It may be well to watch movements of persons named.
This Department would be glad if the above information could be transmitted, in confidence, to the proper authority at Bermuda with a view to ascertaining its correctness and to taking appropriate action.
I have, etc.,