File No. 839.00/327.
The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
Santo Domingo, February 19, 1911.
Communicates confidential information received from the Dominican Government which states that Carlos Morales has obtained probably not more than thirty thousand dollars, having been assisted by some sugar interests in Porto Rico; that Morales has been to Cuba for a conference with Gumersindo Rivas, one of the adherents of Castro, ex-President of Venezuela, and that Morales has been negotiating for arms and munitions, having offered to Rivas, in exchange for his assistance, a base of operation in Santo Domingo. Morales relies upon obtaining a ship formerly of the British navy. He plans to sail from Bermuda or Trinidad for the east coast of the Dominican Republic. Morales is reported to be in New York at present on this revolutionary scheme. He has no prestige in the country and no confidence is placed in him by the most important people inside and outside the Republic.