The Secretary of State to the Austro-Hungarian Ambassador.

No. 661.]

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 11th instant, in which, with reference to the Department’s notes of October 8 and October 26 last, respectively, in the matter of the extradition of one Moritz Ormai, charged with forgery in Austria-Hungary, you advise me that, inasmuch as Ormai is a military fugitive, he must be tried by the military courts. In reply I have the honor to say that the Department understands from your note that Ormai will not be prosecuted on the Chargé of desertion, but will be tried for the offense for which this Government granted his surrender, namely, forgery. It is assumed that, if the occasion should arise in the future, the Government of Austria-Hungary will offer no objection to the trial before the military courts of the United States of a fugitive surrendered by that Government to the Government of the United States.

Accept, etc.,

P. C. Knox.