File No. 437.00.
Habana, January 5, 1911.
Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 484,1 of November 26 last, I have the honor to call attention to the fact that Sr. Sanguily, the Cuban secretary of state, understood that instructions would be sent me as a result of his conversation with President Taft at Guantánamo,2 in regard to certain claims which are being pressed against Cuba by England, France, and Germany. As to the exact nature of these claims or their amount, I know very little. All of them arose from the action of the Cuban revolutionary forces prior to 1898, and are due to damage done by those forces to the property of British, French, or German subjects, or in connection with the furnishing of supplies. The Cuban Government is apprehensive that any recognition of its liability in the premises may lead to the presentation of similar claims by other nations (especially Spain), and Sr. Sanguily is anxious to learn if we consider that any liability exists. Recently joint representations were made at the foreign office by my British, French, and German colleagues in this matter, and the Secretary feels that he soon must make a reply of some kind. I have been requested to ask you for telegraphic instructions as to your views of the case.
I have, etc.,