File No. 811.34537/62.
The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
Habana, Cuba, July 11, 1911.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt this morning of your instruction No. 355, of the 6th instant, directing me to proceed at once to conclude with the Government of Cuba the lease agreement for the extension of the Guantánamo naval station; and to request that the requisite “full powers” may be sent me as soon as practicable in order that there may be no unnecessary delay when the moment for signing the lease arrives. And I have also to request that you will instruct me as to your willingness to add to this Article III a paragraph similar to, or (preferably) the same as paragraph 3, Article I, of the original lease of July 2, 1903. This paragraph was omitted inadvertently, as I have since learned, by the Cuban department of state, in preparing the draft of the new lease for submission to the American Government.
I have, etc.,