File No. 367.112 Er 4/6a.

The Secretary of State to the American Minister in temporary charge of the American Embassy at Constantinople.

No. 175.]

Sir: Referring to the Department’s telegram of December 6,1 you are informed that the Ottoman ambassador acting under instructions from his Government, called at the Department on that day and stated that in the opinion of his Government the disturbed conditions in Albania, which have necessitated a recent dispatch of Ottoman troops into that district, rendered it unwise for Mr. Erickson to return to or reside in Elbassan at the present time.

The ambassador added that in bringing this to the notice of the Department he was instructed to state that the Ottoman Government has no objection to Mr. Erickson personally, and that the deferring of his return to Elbassan is desired solely on account of the disturbed conditions existing at that place.

The ambassador further stated that as soon as normal conditions should be reestablished the Ottoman Government would willingly assent to and facilitate the return of Mr. Erickson to Elbassan.

I am, etc.,

P. C. Knox.
  1. Not printed.