File No. 514.2A2a/74.
The Secretary of State to the Swiss Minister.
Washington, May 3, 1911.
Sir: Referring to your legation’s note of July 29 last, transmitting copies of correspondence regarding the reservation of the Imperial Ottoman Government to articles 23 and 27 of the Geneva Convention of July 6, 1906, for the amelioration of the condition of the sick and wounded in the field, which reservation related to the use by the Ottoman Government of the Red Crescent in place of the Red Cross as a distinctive sign of the sanitary service of its army, I have the honor to say that upon receipt of your note copies of it and the inclosed correspondence were communicated to the War Department, and that acknowledgment of your legation’s note was postponed awaiting a reply from that, department. As, however, no reply has been received, it is assumed that the War Department understood the information contained in the note to have been communicated to this Government merely, as stated in the note, for its knowledge.
Accept, etc.,