The Italian Chargé to the Secretary of State.


Mr. Secretary of State: Pursuant to instructions received from my Government, I have the honor to inform your excellency that henceforth with the shipment of preserved American pork there shall be required the certificate of the federal inspector attesting the microscopic inspection, which is made in favor of other foreign [Page 958] countries in like cases, as provided by the regulations governing the matter in this country. I shall be very thankful if your excellency will be so good as to take the necessary steps to have this measure complied with on the part of the federal authorities, and take this opportunity to remind you that in the case of shipments of other meats the usual sanitary certificate prescribed by the Italian ministerial order of March 31, 1898, will be required as heretofore.

I have advised the royal consulates in the United States of the foregoing directions of the Royal Government and of this communication to your excellency so that they may be prepared to follow, as far as they are concerned, the course to be observed in the matter.

Accept, etc.

G. C. Montagna.