Depredations of Yaqui Indians.

[Continuation of correspondence in Foreign Relations, 1905.]

[240] Chargé McCreery to the Secretary of State.

[241] Chargé McCreery to the Secretary of State.

[242] The Acting Secretary of State to Chargé McCreery.

[243] Ambassador Thompson to the Secretary of State.

[244] Ambassador Thompson to the Acting Secretary of State.

[245] The Acting Secretary of State to Ambassador Thompson.

[247] Ambassador Thompson to the Secretary of State.

[248] The Secretary of State to Ambassador Thompson.

[249] Ambassador Thompson to the Secretary of State.

[250] The Acting Secretary of State to Ambassador Thompson.

[251] The Secretary of State to Ambassador Thompson.

[252] Ambassador Thompson to the Secretary of State.

[255] The Acting Secretary of State to Ambassador Thompson.

[256] The Acting Secretary of State to Ambassador Thompson.

[259] The Acting Secretary of State to Ambassador Thompson.