- Seizure of American fishing vessels. (Documents 200–210)
- Transit of merchandise from port to port of the United States through
Mexico. (Documents 211–219)
- Removal of bodies of deceased Americans from Mexico. (Document 220)
- Convention for the Arbitration of Pecuniary Claims, Signed at Mexico City
in 1902. (Documents 221–222)
- Recognition of United States meat-inspection labels. (Documents 223–227)
- Kidnaping of Antonio Martinez. (Documents 228–229)
- Assistance Rendered by the United States Squadron in an Epidemic of
Diphtheria at Magdalena. (Document 230)
- Alleged antiforeign agitation in Mexico. (Documents 231–232)
- Bonds issued by the Mexican Empire. (Documents 233–235)
- Sanitary convention of 1905. (Documents 236–237)
- Convention between the United States and Mexico Providing for the
Equitable Distribution of the Waters of the Rio Grande for Irrigation
Purposes. (Document 238)
- Official reception of Ambassador Thompson. (Document 239)
- Depredations of Yaqui Indians. (Documents 240–259)