Ambassador White to
the Secretary of State.
American Embassy,
Rome, August 30,
No. 253.]
Sir: Referring to your instruction numbered 121
of the 13th ultimo, I have the honor to inclose herewith the copy of a
note which I have addressed to the foreign office relative to the
inauguration of the inspection of meat products under the law of June
30, 1906.
I have, etc.,
Ambassador White to the Minister for
Foreign Affairs.
Excellency: I have the honor, in accordance
with instructions from my Government, to inform you that on the 7th
ultimo the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States notified
the Secretary of State that the official inspection of American meat
products under the act of Congress approved June 30th last would
shortly go into effect, and that all such products which leave an
establishment for interstate or foreign shipment after the
inauguration of the inspection will be accompanied by a certificate
stating that the products covered by such certificate have been
inspected and passed according to the law aforesaid.
I avail, etc.,