Minister Furniss to the Secretary of State.

No. 94.]

Sir: I beg leave to inclose herewith copy, with duplicate, of a law recently passed by the Haitian Government, relative to customs duties.

I am, etc.,

H. W. Furniss.


Nord Alexis, President of the Republic, in view of article 69 of the constitution;

Considering that it is necessary not to leave the Government without means of action in the presence of the overincrease of the taxes that are or may be applied to the products of the country in foreign markets placing them, in a sense, in a state of inferiority to similar products coming from other parts;

On the report of the secretary of state for finance and commerce and the advice of the council of the secretaries of state, has proposed and the legislative corps has voted the following law: [Page 883]

  • Article I. The tariff of import duties annexed to the law of September 4, 1905, regulating the customs of the Republic, with the duties for wharfage, weighing, consular visé, tonnage, signaling, pilotage on entrance, sanitary visit, the surtaxes of 50, 33⅓ per cent in national money, and 25 per cent gold on the total of these duties and surtaxes, or as they may be modified by future laws, is the minimum tariff.
  • Art. II. There is established a minimum tariff composed of the present tariff or as it may be modified by future laws, augmented by 50 per cent to be collected on the total amount of these duties and surtaxes.
  • Art. III. The maximum shall not be applied to statistic duties applicable to specie moneys.
  • Art. IV. The Government is authorized to enforce the maximum tariff, by a decree, on the countries that apply heavy duties on our commodities and produce. It is equally authorized to repeal the decrees that it shall have issued when the reasons that may have caused it to issue them shall have ceased.
  • Art. V. The present law, which repeals all laws and provisions of laws that may be contrary thereto, shall be executed under the supervision of the secretary of state for finance and commerce.

Given at the house of representatives, September 3, 1906, year 103 of the independence.

S. Archer,
President of the House.

G. Desrosiers,

Louis Brutus,

Given at the national house at Port au Prince, September 6, 1906, year 103 of the independence.

T. A. Dupiton,
President of the Senate.

R. David,

Diogenes Lerebours,

In the name of the Republic.

The President of Haiti orders that the above law of the legislative corps be vested with the seal of the Republic, printed, published, and executed.

Nord Alexis.

By the President:

F. Marcelin,
The Secretary of State for Finance and Commerce.