Minister Furniss to the Secretary of State.

No. 93.]

Sir: In further reference to my No. 90, of August 24, I inclose herewith clipping and translation thereto from to-day’s Le Moniteur, the official paper, making certain corrections in the tariff law of August 21, 1906, as published in Le Moniteur of the 22d ultimo.

I have, etc.,

H. W. Furniss.


A material error has slipped in the law of August 21, concerning the importation duties, published in the Moniteur of August 22 of this year.

Art. 5, second paragraph, should read: “Law of June 28, 1905,” and not “of August 11, 1903.”

In fact, the 4/8 of the gold surtax on importation have been applied to the withdrawal of the paper money by the law of June 28, 1905.