Ambassador Wright to the Secretary of State.

No. 16.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith inclosed a copy of a letter signed by Mr. Masataka Sakuma, head official of the town of Miharu, Fukushima Prefecture, and by the head officials of the number of neighboring villages, by which I am requested to convey to the President the grateful thanks of the people of that district, represented by their headmen, for the generous contributions for famine relief received from the people of the United States.

I have, etc.,

Luke E. Wright.

Head officials of the towns and villages to Ambassador Wright.

Sir: The famine which we had in this region last year was the greatest of its kind in recent years, and the terrible conditions which prevailed are beyond description. We, the humble head officials of the respective towns and villages, have been greatly concerned with the relief of the sufferers. Your country was quick to extend its profound sympathy to us on the occasion of the famine in the northeastern provinces. Our country has shared in the large contributions sent to this country from America, and with a profound sense of gratitude we wish to tell your excellency that the money given us has been profitably used in relieving the sufferers. We respectfully request that your [Page 1005] excellency kindly take the trouble to convey our gratitude to the President of the United States.

We avail ourselves of this opportunity respectfully to express our gratitude and to pay our respects to your excellency.

We have, etc.,

(Signed by thirty officials.)