Chargé Wilson to the Secretary of State.
Tokyo, May 17, 1906.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the department’s two telegrams received the 10th and 11th instants, conveying further remittances for famine relief of $5,000 and $25,000, respectively, confirmations of the readings of which are appended on the overleaf.
Following your instructions, in the case of the former telegram I have transmitted to the acting minister for foreign affairs a check for 10,050.25 yen, being the proceeds of my draft for $5,000 of the 10th instant, and in the case of the latter I forwarded to Count Matsukata, the president of the Japanese Red Cross Society, for transfer to the foreign committee of relief at Sendai, a check for 50,251.25 yen, being the proceeds of my draft for $25,000 of the 12th instant.
I have, etc.,