Minister Wilson to
the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Brussels, June 14,
No. 99.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith to
the department two copies of the Bulletin Officiel de L’Etat Indépendant
du Congo, containing in the French text the report of the committee on
reforms in the Kongo State, the decrees carrying the same into effect,
and a letter from His Majesty King Leopold addressed to the secretaries
I also inclose printed extracts in the English text of the decrees of the
Sovereign, which have just been published in an English paper here.
These decrees practically embody the whole of the measures advocated by
the committee, and by the Sovereign’s signature have de facto passed
into law.
From a study of the decrees it will be noted that two important
principles are laid down. The first of these secures to the natives the
possession of the soil already occupied by them. The second principle
prohibits the exercise of force in the collection of rubber, and
substitutes therefor detention within certain limitations until the
labor tax is discharged.
Concurrently with the issuance of the decrees His Majesty has published
an open letter to the secretaries general, which is considered in
diplomatic circles to amount to a manifesto to the powers. It certainly
is susceptible of that interpretation, but it may also—and perhaps with
more accuracy—be described as an autocratic declaration to the Belgian
Here follows a translation of the most significant parts of the King’s
I grant you the situation is without precedent and unique, but so
also was the creation of the Free State. All the
responsibilities and the organization of a government unfettered
by other authority have been left to my care. The Kongo is
essentially a personal undertaking. There is no more legitimate
or honorable right than that of reaping the fruit of one’s own
labor. The powers accorded their good will to the birth of the
new State, but not one was called upon to participate in my
efforts; hence it follows that none has the right of
intervention, which nothing could justify. The powers were duly
notified of the choice made by the State as to the regime of
neutrality and other limitations. No objections were raised at
the time. The law of nations regulates the relations between
sovereign powers; there is no special international law for the
[Page 101]
Kongo State. The
Berlin act made certain stipulations with respect to the
conventional basin of the Kongo. These regulations apply equally
to other states with holdings there, but they in no sense affect
the rights of possession. The questions of territorial
sovereignty—that is, precisely those which underlie the
constitution of states—were expressly and by common accord
omitted from the programme of the Berlin conference. My rights
in the Kongo are indivisible; they are the product of personal
labor and expense. You must miss no opportunity of proclaiming
these rights; they alone can render possible and legitimate my
bequest of the Kongo to Belgium, which has no title but what
reverts to her through my person. If I allow them to be
contested, Belgium would be deprived of any power to make good
such title.
The letter cites the immense extension of internal communication by rail
and water, and the great progress made in the moral and material welfare
of the native population.
By a codicil, of which the text is published with the decrees, His
Majesty confirms his bequest of the Kongo to the nation, and instructs
his legatees to continue unchanged his administrative policy.
I have the honor, etc.,
Decrees of King Leopold to carry into effect
reforms in the Kongo.
the occupation of the
- Article 1. The land belongs to the
natives who inhabit, cultivate, or exploit it in conformity with
local customs and usages according to the decree of September
14, 1886. The method of determining such rights shall be fixed
by the governor-general, and the delimitation of the various
territories shall be deposited in the archives of the district
- Art. 2. The governor-general or
district commissary shall, with a view of encouraging native
industry, allot to each village a superficial area three times
as large as that already occupied by such village.
- Article 3 provides for certain contingencies in application of
preceding clause.
- Art. 4. The natives can not dispose
of such land to third parties without the consent of the
- Art. 5. In order to encourage
agriculture the governor-general will place at the disposal of
natives certain seeds, plants, etc.
- Article 6 defines the limits within which the natives may cut
wood, fish, etc., on lands other than those occupied by
direct and personal
- Article 1. Every adult and
able-bodied male is required to pay taxes, either individually
or collectively. The governor-general shall fix the amount
payable according to local conditions. The total amount payable
shall be not less than 6 francs nor more than 24 francs per
annum. The tax is payable monthly, but latitude for payment is
given in special cases. The native may pay either in kind or in
labor. The district commissioners fix the article which shall be
accepted in payment and the equivalent in cash; also the kind of
work which will be accepted as payment, the rate per hour, the
method of gathering the product, etc., but in such a way that
the number of hours of labor shall in no case exceed forty per
month per head.
- Art. 2. Each year before September 1
the district commissioner shall assess the amount of taxes
payable for the following year, and a supplementary census is
made on March 1. Part or all of the tax may be remitted in
special circumstances. Cattle and domestic animals are not
accepted in payment unless by special permission, nor is the
ordinary station labor. Payment may be enforced by chiefs of the
district or state agents nominated by the governor-general and
controlled by district commissioners. It may be effected either
directly or with the cooperation of native chiefs. It is
forbidden to arm “capitas” or sentries with breech-loading or
improved rifles in enforcing
[Page 102]
payments overdue. To encourage the taste
for work the natives are remunerated on a given basis when
delivering the products in kind or in exchange for their
- Arts. 3 and 4. In case of refusal of
payment in kind the native may be detained, with forced labor,
until the amount has been worked off; such constraint may only
be applied by the district commissioner or other authorized
official, and can not exceed one month in duration. For repeated
offenses the period may be extended to three months. A
fortnight’s notice for payment is given, and force is only
applied at the end of a second fortnight. The arrest must be
effected by the authorized tax collector, and only in case of
default. A penalty of fines ranging from 100 francs to 2,000
francs is inflicted on any agent exceeding his functions, either
by demanding an excess rate or using illegal means in obtaining
collective taxation.
- Article 1. Taxes may be made payable
collectively under article 28 of the decree of November 18,
- Article 2 establishes the rules for grouping the population
and assessing the amount payable by each group.
- Article 3 compels native chiefs to furnish lists of
able-bodied taxpayers.
- Article 4 refers to duties allotted to chiefs.
- Article 5 defines limits within which constraint is
- Articles 6 and 7 deal with remuneration as per article 2 in
personal taxation, and penalties for nonpayment as also therein
laid down.
- Articles 8 to 11 define individual responsibilities in respect
of collective taxation, which are virtually the same as those
already cited.
the carrying of arms.
- Article 1 invests in the governor-general or his
representatives the right of granting a license to carry arms;
it may be specially stipulated that the permit only refers to
certain places or establishments, and is not valid elsewhere.
The number of pernfits for establishments directed by Europeans
must not exceed twenty-five rifles of newest pattern. Requests
for a license must explicity state the object for which the
rifle is destined. The use of breech-loading or improved rifles
is forbidden to natives who are charged to carry on commercial
operations with their fellow-countrymen.
- Article 4. District commisioners are
charged to control the proper use of arms granted under license.
Any infraction of the rules is liable to punishment.
The decree regulating the establishment of state warehouses stocked
with merchandise suited to native wants is contained in a single
article. A credit of 300,000 francs (£12,000) is opened for this
native chiefdoms
- Article 1. Every native is reputed
to form part of a group under the authority of a chief.
- Article 2 defines the status of a chief as head of his
- Articles 3, 4, 5, and 6 deal with nominations and investiture
of a chief and the rights and duties of natives in respect to
their tribe.
- Articles 7 to 11 define the prerogatives of a chief, and his
duties toward the central authority. His remuneration is fixed
at a sum which can not exceed 5 per cent of the total
remuneration granted to natives under article 2 already
- Article 12 defines the duties of a chief toward his people. He
is responsible for good order in his village, and must report
crime, epidemics, and other matters pertaining to the general
- Articles 15 and 16 deal with penalties incurred by chiefs for
nonfulfillment of their obligations.
- Articles 17 and 18 relate to the service of native
hiring service.
A native less than 14 years old can not be compelled to sign a
contract for more than two years of ordinary work, and for three
years of domestic service.
[Page 103]
recruiting for the public
- Article 1. The annual levy of
soldiers is divided into two sections, of which the second
includes those who are also employed on public works.
- Art. 2. These recruits serve for a
maximum period of five years, in one or several periods, and at
completion are exempt from all similar obligations.
- Art. 3. They are liable to civil
penalties; revolt or desertion is punished by five years’ penal
servitude or a fine not exceeding 1,000 francs.
1. In addition to the common court (tribunal de première instance)
in the Lower Kongo, similar courts are established at Leopoldville,
Coquilhatville, Stanleyville, and Nyangara. The functions of
magistrates are fulfilled by procureurs d’etat, nominated by the
sovereign. These magistrates are placed under the surveillance of a
procureur-general, also nominated by the Sovereign. The
procureur-general discharges the duties hitherto undertaken by the
procureur d’etat at the court of appeal.
Art. 2. The ordinary sessions shall be held
at such places as may be fixed by the governor-general, who shall
also determine the minimum number of such sessions.
Art. 3. In their respective departments the
officers of the public ministry, doctors of law, shall exercise,
according to a summary procedure and without the assistance of a
recorder, the functions of a judge, within the limits laid down in
article 6, whenever an ordinary court or territorial tribunal is not
available for the purposes of justice.
Administrative powers.—Art. 4. The common courts have plenary power in civil and
commercial as well as criminal cases, excepting where otherwise
stipulated by law. Their decision is without appeal when the value
at issue does not exceed 200 francs (£8). They are also entitled to
pass sentence, to the exclusion of other courts and notably
courts-martial, for misdemeanors or crimes committed by Europeans
involving the death penalty.
Art. 5. Territorial tribunals take
cognizance of (1) misdemeanors by non-Europeans, and (2) by
Europeans when the penalty does not exceed five years or is only a
Art. 6. Officers of the public ministry
(magistrates) are competent to judge without appeal civil and
commercial cases to the value of 100 francs and for crimes committed
by non-Europeans in cases laid down in the penal code (clauses
cited) and for misdemeanors for which the penalty does not exceed
seven days or a fine of 200 francs.
Art. 7. In penal matters the judgments of
higher courts are without appeal when offenses are committed by
non-Europeans involving sentences of not more than seven days or a
fine of 200 francs.
Art. 8. The court of appeals takes
cognizance of verdicts given in the ordinary courts and in, criminal
cases of the verdicts passed in the higher courts.
Art. 9. The governor-general will determine
by decree the territorial competence of the different courts of
justice, the rule to be observed to fix their competency in civil
and commercial cases, and the procedure to be followed by each.
police and military
- Article 1 defines the term “police
operations” as bearing on the maintenance of order and public
- Art. 2. Excepting the
governor-general, only the district commissioners are entitled
to order out the police.
- Art. 3. The employment of firearms
is prohibited, excepting in case of legitimate defense of self
or another.
- Art. 4. In case of aggression,
actual or imminent, the public force can intervene simply at the
bidding of the chief of the district. Its mission is strictly
limited to the protection of persons or property menaced, and
the arrest of persons committing violence.
- Art. 5. Empowers the public force to
intervene in special cases.
- Article 6 gives the district
commissioner power to convert a police operation into a military
operation in special circumstances.
military operations.
- Art. 7. “Military operations” are
offensive movements of the public force against native
populations, and can be undertaken when the inhabitants of a
given district are in a state of revolt or hostility, as shown
by acts of violence on persons or property, or refusal to obey
the law.
- Art. 8. No military operation can be
undertaken until after an effort has been made to bring rebels
to obedience by persuasion.
- Art. 9. Only the governor-general or
district commissioners or their appointed representatives are
competent to order military expeditions.
- Art. 10. The decision to carry out
such expeditions must be proclaimed with due publicity, and will
involve placing the district under martial law.
- Art. 11. In no case can the
direction of police or military operations be confided to a
- Art. 12. Any person ordering a
military expedition who is not duly qualified to do so is liable
to not more than five years penal servitude and a fine not
exceeding 1,000 francs.
A series of three articles under the heading “Infraction of public
order” empowers any agent exercising territorial functions to arrest
without further authority any native guilty of an offense against
public order; he must give due notice thereof to the authorities,
and can not imprison any native for more than one month without
bringing him to trial.
- Article 1 provides for introducing a
currency of the value of 1,000,000 francs (£40,000) in coins to
be determined hereafter.
state inspectors.
Three articles provide for the nomination of at least three state
inspectors, who are charged to watch over the due execution of the
laws concerning the natives, and to see that the relations between
natives and public agents are legally observed. The governor-general
assigns the districts of inspection and dates of visit. The
inspectors are to come into direct contact with the natives and hear
all complaints; they will be intrusted with the necessary powers to
carry out their mission.
trading societies.
- Article 1. Limited liability
companies will pay an annual tax of 2 per cent on their net
- Art. 2. Foreign companies with
branches in the Kongo pay 1 per cent.
Further decrees regulate the tutelage of native children in the
schools who remain until completion of their twenty-first year. In
technical schools young persons are received from the ages of 12 to
20 on the request of their parents.
national domain.
- Article 1. The properties and mines
administered as a monopoly (en régie) by the state, and the
mines not worked by concession, constitute the national
- Art. 2. This domain is managed under
a special administration whose members are nominated and whose
functions are revocable by the sovereign.
- Art. 3. The revenues of the national
domain, after deduction of all administrative and working
expenses, are paid into the treasury in so far as is required to
cover the ordinary expenses of the budget which are not met
through other sources. The balance is applied as follows:
One-fifth toward repaying loans advanced, one-fifth to a reserve
fund, and the surplus to works of public utility either in the
Kongo or in Belgium, such as defense works in the Kongo,
development of instruction, erection of hospitals, charitable
institutions for the natives, and in Belgium institutions for
forming a colonial staff, the prosecution of colonial studies,
subsidies for the creation of a Belgian merchant navy, of
artillery for colonial defense, etc. No portion whatever of the
revenue from the colonial domain can be applied to other than
works of public utility.
- Art. 4. A council is nominated for
the national domain composed of six members. The first is
nominated by the sovereign, the others from lists furnished to
the sovereign by the secretary of state, and by vote. Their
mandate is for ten years.
- Art. 5. The council is charged to
watch over and develop the revenue of the national domain. No
cession, concession, or alienation can be effected without the
council’s consent.
A “council of the Kongo” is nominated by a separate decree composed
of nine members, including the president. It acts as an advisory
body and reports on all questions submitted by the Government.
A prize of 200,000 francs (£8,000) is offered to the person, of
whatever nationality, who discovers a cure for the sleeping
sickness. A further credit of 300,000 francs (£12,000) is set aside
for prophylactic research.