International maritime convention in regard to collisions and salvage at sea

[Continued from Foreign Relations, 1905, pp. 6978.]

[65] [Untitled]

[66] The Secretary of State to Minister Wilson.

[67] Minister Wilson to the Secretary of State.

[68] Baron Moncheur to the Secretary of State.

[69] The Secretary of State to Baron Moncheur.

[70] Baron Moncheur to the Secretary of State.

[71] Minister Wilson to the Secretary of State.

[72] Baron Moncheur to the Secretary of State.

[73] The Acting Secretary of State to Baron Moncheur.

[75] Minister Moncheur to the Secretary of State.

[76] The Secretary of State to the Minister of Belgium.

[77] Minister Moncheur to the Secretary of State.

[78] The Secretary of State to Minister Moncheur.