The President of Guatemala to President Roosevelt.
Your Excellency’s telegram in which you repeat that of the President of Salvador is at hand. With renewed thanks for Your Excellency’s noble interest in the cause of the restoration of lasting peace I once more have the honor to say that I will be glad to send my delegation to the Marblehead. The President of Mexico obtained from me a promise of armistice yesterday and I received from him to-day a telegram setting the hour of 5 a.m. to-day for its beginning, but the said cablegram was delivered to me five hours later and while the Salvadorean forces were engaged in an action against ours. Still ready to accept the armistice, I hope that Your Excellency will call the attention of the Salvadorean Government so that the day and hour on which it is to begin may be fixed sufficiently in advance.
I renew to Your Excellency my thanks and the assurance of my highest consideration.