Acting Secretary of State Adee to Minister O’Brien.

No. 42.]

Sir: I inclose a copy of a letter from the department of agriculture, commerce, and immigration of South Carolina, requesting the [Page 68] department to notify you that it has appointed Mr. George E. C. Bahncke its agent to solicit immigration to South Carolina.

You are requested to facilitate Mr. Bahncke’s mission in every proper way.

I am, etc.,

Alvey A. Adee.

[Same mutatis mutandis to Chargé Boutell at The Hague, No. 43.]


[State of South Carolina, department of agriculture, commerce, and immigration. E. J. Watson, commissioner. R. B. Herbert, Clerk.]

Department of State,
Washington, D. C.

Honored Sirs: Commissioner E. J. Watson, of the department of agriculture, commerce, and immigration for the State of South Carolina, now in Europe, has appointed Geo. E. C. Bahncke agent for this department, to be located in Aalborg, Denmark, with instructions to advertise and solicit immigration for this State at that point. Please notify the American minister before whom matters arising in this territory would come.

Also Commissioner Watson has appointed Dr. S. Davidsee agent for this department to travel through Holland and to advertise the advantages of this State and solicit immigrants. We would be glad if you would instruct the proper authorities on Holland of Dr. S. Davidsee’s mission.

Please have these instructions as to both Mr. Bahncke and Doctor Davidsee forwarded at once.

Yours respectfully,

R. B. Herbert, Clerk.