Chargé Sleeper to the Secretary of State.

No. 190.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a translation of presidential decree No. 383, of the 17th instant, directing the government forces to suspend all operations in the field and to remain on the defensive.

I have, etc.,

Jacob Sleeper,
Chargé d’ Affaires ad interim.


Decree No. 383.

At the instance of the secretary of public works ad interim of government, I hereby decree the following:

  • Article 1. All campaign operations in the field are hereby suspended, and in consequence thereof the government forces shall place themselves on the defensive throughout the territory of the Republic.
  • Art. 2. The secretary of government is charged with the immediate compliance of this decree, issuing all orders that may be necessary for its execution.

T. Estrada Palma,
The President.

Rafael Montalvo,
Secretary of Public Works, ad interim of Government.