Chargé Sleeper to
the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Habana, August 30,
No. 164.]
Sir: I have the honor to report to the
department that complaint has been made to this legation, through the
Cienfuegos consulate, by the following American companies, seeking
protection for their rights and property:
The Colonial Sugars Company, (Constancia), Mr. R. B. Childs. The
Hormiguero Central Company, of Hormiguero. The Trinidad Plantation, Mr.
S. M. Patterson. The Cuba Cattle and Land Company, Trinidad, Mr. H. S.
Immediately upon receipt of this complaint, I addressed a note to the
foreign office, copy herewith inclosed, requesting the necessary
I have, etc.,
Jacob Sleeper,
Chargé d’Affaires ad
[Page 461]
[Inclosure 1.]
Chargé Sleeper
to the Secretary of State and
Your Excellency: I have the honor to
respectfully request that your excellency’s Government immediately
take the necessary steps for the protection of the following
American interests, in the province of Santa Clara, now jeopardized
by acts of the insurgents:
The Colonial Sugar Company (Constancia) Mr. R. B. Childs. The
Hormi-guero Central Company, of Hormiguero. The Trinidad Plantation,
Mr. S. M. Patterson. The Cuba Cattle and Land Company, Trinidad, Mr.
H. S. Ismon.
Trusting that there may be no delay in complying with my request, I
avail myself of this opportunity to renew to your excellency the
assurance of my highest consideration.
Chargé d’Affaires ad