Minister Rockhill to the Secretary of State.

No. 324.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your cipher telegram of the 9th instant as follows:a

On receipt of this telegram I immediately communicated with the consul-general at Canton. I also sent a note to the foreign office, informing it that the consul-general at Canton had been authorized, under certain conditions, to reach a settlement of the Lienchou matter with the provincial authorities.

From the terms of the imperial edict published at the time of the massacre, a copy of which was sent to you in my dispatch No. 138 of November 4, 1905, suitable compensation was promised for the missionaries who lost their lives, and there can be no doubt that the exemplary damages which you tell me you have under favorable consideration will be met by the Chinese Government.

I have, etc.,

W. W. Rockhill.
  1. Supra.