Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay.

No. 870.]

Sir; I have the honor to inclose herewith copy of correspondence betwen the Sublime Porte and the legation concerning adjustment of pending questions.

Upon the receipt of the Department’s telegram I called again upon the minister for foreign affairs and finding that it would be impossible to secure the desired change in the wording of the Sublime Porte’s communication of the 12th * * * to bring matters to a close I accepted the verbal assurance that American institutions would be treated in the same manner as the French and other foreign institutions.

Upon the receipt of the Department’s telegram I called again upon the minister for foreign affairs, and finding that it would be impossible to secure the desired change in the wording of the Sublime Porte’s communication of the 12th, * * * to bring matters to a close, I accepted the verbal assurance that American institutions would be treated in the same manner as the French and other foreign institutions.

* * * * * * *

I have, etc.,

John G. A. Leishman.
[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]

Tewfik Pasha to Mr. Leishman.

Mr. Minister: I have taken cognizance of the several communications which your excellency has done me the honor to address to me concerning American institutions in Turkey, the raising of the respective legations to the rank of embassy, and the property of Mrs. Lane in Smyrna.

In reply, I can assure your excellency that seeing the cordial relations which so happily exist between the two Governments, it has never entered into the intention of the Imperial Government to treat on a different basis the schools, the institutions, and the citizens of the United States in the Empire.

Thus, for those of these establishments of which the legal existence is not recognized, the competent department will, as soon as it is asked to, accomplish [Page 829] the necessary formalities in conformity with the conditions and provisions of the regulations in force.

As to the elevation of the two legations to the rank of embassies, the amicable desire expressed on this subject by His Excellency the President of the United States corresponds entirely with the feelings of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan, but on account of budgetary considerations it is preferable to postpone this question until a more opportune moment.

As to Mrs. Lane’s farm, its price, i. e., 5,000 Turkish pounds will be paid by the Imperial Ottoman Bank as soon as the transfer is made in the name of the Imperial Government.

Please accept, etc.,

[Inclosure 2.—Translation.]

Mr. Leishman to Tewfik Pasha.

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the note which your excellency had the kindness to address to me to-day concerning certain questions that have been the subject of discussion for some time past between the Sublime Porte and this legation.

As regards the question of equality of treatment of American citizens and American institutions in Turkey, am I to understand from your excellency’s note that the terms and conditions of the settlement effected by the French Government in November, 1901, apply in their entirety to American institutions? If so, all the American institutions mentioned in the list which was transmitted by this legation to the Imperial Ottoman Government in February, 1903, come naturally under the category of institutions of which the legal existence is recognized, and enjoy the same rights, privileges, and immunities as those embraced in the above-mentioned settlement. I take notice of what your excellency says in regard to the question of embassy and am happy to learn that the amicable desire expressed on the subject by the President of the United States corresponds entirely with the feelings of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan.

With regard to Mrs. Lane’s matter it remains for me to express my sincere thanks for the settlement.

With the hope that your excellency will let me have the reply to the above inquiries as soon, as possible, I take occasion, etc.,

John G. A. Leishman.
[Inclosure 3.—Translation.]

Mr. Leishman to Tewfik Pasha.

Your Excellency: Referring further to my note of last evening, in view of the several assurances given me since then that the agreement regarding equality of treatment for American religious, educational, and charitable institutions in Turkey will be immediately put into effect, and that the treatment accorded will be on a basis not less favorable than that accorded to French and other European nations, I beg to inform your excellency that in order to facilitate matters and to prove my sincere desire to maintain and continue the amicable relations so long and happily existing between our two Governments I have assumed the responsibility of inviting the admiral to leave Smyrna after exchanging usual courtesies. In acting thus I rely upon the good faith of His Imperial Majesty’s Government to see that the engagements which it has undertaken are at once fulfilled.

I take, etc.,

John G. A. Leishman.