Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 6, 1904

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 6, 1904
United States Government Printing Office
- Message of the President
- List of papers, with subjects of correspondence
- Correspondence.
Circulars. (Documents 1–30)- Protection of Panaman interests by consular officers of the United
States (Document 1)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Document 2)
- Neutral commerce in articles conditionally contraband of war (Documents 3–4)
- Designation of the diplomatic and consular service as “American” instead
of “United States” (Documents 5–6)
- Opening of the Canal Zone of the Isthmus of Panama to commerce (Document 7)
- Pacific settlement of international disputes (Document 8)
- Proposal for a second Hague Conference (Documents 9–10)
- Proclamations and decrees of neutrality issued during the war between
Russia and Japan (Documents 11–30)
- Protection of Panaman interests by consular officers of the United
States (Document 1)
- Argentine Republic (Documents 31–35)
- Passport application of William A. Tappen and his son Charles L.
Tappen (Documents 31–32)
- Message of the President of the Argentine Republic to the Argentine
Congress (Document 33)
- Treaty of friendship and commerce between the Argentine Republic and
Persia (Document 34)
- Boundary conventions between the Argentine Republic and Chile (Document 35)
- Passport application of William A. Tappen and his son Charles L.
Tappen (Documents 31–32)
- Austria-Hungary (Documents 36–62)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Japan and Russia (Documents 36–40)
- Visit of an American fleet to Austrian ports (Documents 41–46)
- Emigration law of Hungary (Documents 47–51)
- Transportation of emigrants from Hungary (Documents 52–60)
- Medical examination of emigrants at ports of departure (Documents 61–62)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Japan and Russia (Documents 36–40)
- Belgium (Documents 63–69)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 63–69)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 63–69)
- Bolivia (Documents 70–71)
- Termination of the dispute with Brazil over the Acre territory (Document 70)
- Message of the President to the Bolivian Congress (Document 71)
- Termination of the dispute with Brazil over the Acre territory (Document 70)
- Brazil (Documents 72–78)
- Misuse of the flag of the United States (Documents 72–73)
- Treaty with Bolivia terminating the dispute over the Acre territory (Documents 74–76)
- Message of the President of Brazil to the Brazilian Congress (Document 77)
- Provisional agreement between Brazil and Peru terminating boundary
dispute, and convention for the arbitration of Alto Juruá and Alto Purús
claims (Document 78)
- Misuse of the flag of the United States (Documents 72–73)
- Bulgaria (Documents 79–81)
- Agreement between Turkey and Bulgaria to maintain peace and order in
Macedonia (Document 79)
- Conditions in Macedonia (Documents 80–81)
- Agreement between Turkey and Bulgaria to maintain peace and order in
Macedonia (Document 79)
- Chile (Documents 82–83)
- China (Documents 84–178)
- Denunciation of immigration treaty (Documents 84–85)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 86–123)
- Protection of Japanese interests in China (Documents 124–130)
- Visit of Prince Pu Lun to the United States (Documents 131–135)
- Mining regulations in China (Documents 136–138)
- Opening of trade ports in China (Documents 139–140)
- Murder of Lewis L. Etzel (Documents 141–150)
- Payment of the Chinese indemnity (Documents 151–162)
- Neutrality of the United States in the war between Russia and Japan (Document 163)
- Conservancy of the Whangpu River (Documents 164–176)
- Antiforeign movements in China (Documents 177–178)
- Denunciation of immigration treaty (Documents 84–85)
- Colombia (Documents 179–198)
- Attitude of Colombia toward the United States and the Republic of
Panama (Documents 179–187)
- Transfer of the New Panama Canal Company’s property to the United
States (Document 188)
- Inauguration of General Reyes as President of Colombia (Documents 189–191)
- Reestablishment of diplomatic relations with Venezuela and Italy (Documents 192–193)
- Seizure of the property of the Bogotá City Railway Company (Documents 194–197)
- Message of the President of Colombia to the Colombian Congress (Document 198)
- Attitude of Colombia toward the United States and the Republic of
Panama (Documents 179–187)
- Cuba (Documents 199–222)
- Treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation between Cuba and Italy (Document 199)
- Indignity offered to the United States consulate at Cienfuegos (Documents 200–202)
- Withdrawal of United States troops from Cuba (Documents 203–204)
- Messages of the President of Cuba to the Congress of Cuba (Documents 205–206)
- Treaty between the United States and Cuba embodying the provisions
defining the future relations of the United States with Cuba contained in
the act of Congress approved March 2, 1901, making appropriations for the
Army (Document 207)
- Supplementary convention between the United States and Cuba extending the
period within which may be exchanged the ratifications of the treaty of May
22, 1903, between the United States and Cuba, embodying the provisions
defining their future relations (Document 208)
- Sanitary conditions in Cuba (Documents 209–215)
- Murder of E. A. Murray—investigation and procedure under Cuban law (Documents 216–222)
- Treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation between Cuba and Italy (Document 199)
- Denmark (Documents 223–226)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 223–226)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 223–226)
- Dominican Republic (Documents 227–255)
- Recognition of the provisional government of the Dominican Republic (Documents 227–233)
- Protection of the German vice-consul at Santo Domingo City (Document 234)
- Arbitration of the claim of the San Domingo Improvement Company against
the Dominican Republic (Document 235)
- Award of the commission of arbitration under the provisions of the
protocol of January 31, 1903, between the United States of America and the
Dominican Republic for the settlement of the claims of the San Domingo
Improvement Company, of New York, and its allied companies (Documents 236–248)
- Violation of the United States commercial agency at Samana (Documents 249–252)
- Termination of the revolution in the Dominican Republic (Document 253)
- Imprisonment of Francisco Martinez, a Porto Rican (Documents 254–255)
- Recognition of the provisional government of the Dominican Republic (Documents 227–233)
- Ecuador (Documents 256–257)
- Ethiopia (Document 258)
- France (Documents 259–273)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 259–263)
- Transfer of the New Panama Canal Company’s property to the United
States (Documents 264–266)
- Treaty between the United States and France for the determination of their
relations in Tunis (Document 267)
- Decoration conferred upon Secretary of State John Hay by the French
Republic (Documents 268–270)
- Abduction of Ion Perdicaris by bandits in Morocco (Documents 271–273)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 259–263)
- Germany (Documents 274–293)
- Arbitration of the preferential treatment of claims against Venezuela
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 274–281)
- Passport application of Robert Albert Böker (Documents 282–284)
- Passport obtained fraudulently by Joseph Henry Tetz (Documents 285–286)
- Fine imposed upon Emil Vibert for nonperformance of military
service (Documents 287–292)
- Neutrality of Germany in the war between Russia and Japan (Document 293)
- Great Britain (Documents 294–330)
- Arbitration of the preferential treatment of claims against Venezuela
- Delimitation of the Alaskan boundary (Documents 294–297)
- Protection of the British vice-consulate at Santo Domingo (Document 298)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 299–305)
- Agreement between France and Great Britain relating to the Newfoundland
fisheries (Document 306)
- Contraband in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 307–316)
- Abduction of Ion Perdicaris by bandits in Morocco (Documents 317–318)
- Protection of seals in the north Pacific Ocean (Documents 319–328)
- Declaration signed at St. Petersburg November 25, 1904, for reference of
North Sea incident to International Commission of Inquiry (Documents 329–330)
- Greece (Documents 331–333)
- Visits of United States squadrons to Greece (Documents 331–333)
- Visits of United States squadrons to Greece (Documents 331–333)
- Guatemala and Honduras (Documents 334–342)
- Payment of gold obligations in silver or paper (Documents 334–338)
- Treaty of nonintervention and arbitration between Guatemala, Nicaragua,
Honduras, and Salvador (Document 339)
- Settlement of the claims of Mrs. Charles W. Renton, of Ella Miller Renton,
and of the estate of Jacob Baiz (Documents 340–342)
- Payment of gold obligations in silver or paper (Documents 334–338)
- Haiti (Documents 343–377)
- Denunciation of the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation of
1864 (Documents 343–344)
- Annexation of, or protectorate over, the Dominican Republic by the United
States (Document 345)
- License tax on American citizens doing business in Haiti (Documents 346–357)
- License to do business arbitrarily denied to American citizens (Documents 358–362)
- Naturalization treaty between the United States and the Republic of
Haiti (Document 363)
- Treaty between the United States and Haiti extending the time within which
may be effected the exchange of ratifications of the treaty of
naturalization between the two countries, signed March 22, 1902 (Document 364)
- Settlement of the claim of Hall, or Weyman (Document 365)
- Exclusion of Syrians from Haiti (Documents 366–368)
- Protection of naturalized American citizens of Syrian origin (Document 369)
- Fraudulent naturalization of Syrians (Documents 370–377)
- Denunciation of the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation of
1864 (Documents 343–344)
- Italy (Documents 378–387)
- Arbitration of the preferential treatment of claims against Venezuela
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 378–381)
- Fraudulent naturalization of Giuseppe Divito (Documents 382–383)
- Protection of trade-marks in Morocco (Documents 384–387)
- Japan (Documents 388–446)
- Difficulty between Japan and Russia (Documents 388–397)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 398–409)
- Neutrality of the United States in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 410–414)
- Protection of Japanese interests in Russia (Documents 415–429)
- Protectorate of Japan over Korea (Documents 430–434)
- Murder of shipwrecked seamen of the American ship Benjamin Sewall in
Formosa (Documents 435–441)
- Visit of Prince Sadanaru Fushimi to the United States (Documents 442–446)
- Difficulty between Japan and Russia (Documents 388–397)
- Korea (Documents 447–450)
- Attack on American property by Korean soldiers (Documents 447–449)
- Protectorate over Korea by Japan (Document 450)
- Attack on American property by Korean soldiers (Documents 447–449)
- Liberia (Documents 451–453)
- Immigration of American negroes to Liberia (Documents 451–453)
- Immigration of American negroes to Liberia (Documents 451–453)
- Mexico (Documents 454–486)
- Imprisonment of H. C. Harding and H. E. Dugat in Mexico (Documents 454–465)
- Wounding and imprisonment of Eulogio Zambrano, a Mexican citizen, in
Texas (Documents 466–475)
- Imprisonment of American citizens, railway employees, in Mexico (Documents 476–479)
- Extracts from messages of the President of Mexico to Congress (Documents 480–481)
- Murder of J. B. Maxwell, J. C. Maxwell, and Enoch Woodworth (Documents 482–484)
- Amendments to the constitution of Mexico relating to the election of
President and Vice-President (Documents 485–486)
- Imprisonment of H. C. Harding and H. E. Dugat in Mexico (Documents 454–465)
- Morocco (Documents 487–514)
- Abduction of Ion Perdicaris by bandits (Documents 487–514)
- Protection of trade-marks in Morocco
- Abduction of Ion Perdicaris by bandits (Documents 487–514)
- Netherlands (Documents 515–533)
- Arbitration of the preferential treatment of claims against
Venezuela (Documents 515–525)
- Medical inspection of emigrants by United States medical officers (Document 526)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 527–528)
- Neutral commerce in articles conditionally contraband of war (Documents 529–531)
- Treaty between the United States and the Kingdom of the Netherlands,
extending the extradition convention of June 2, 1887, between the two
countries to their respective island possessions and colonies (Document 532)
- International conventions relating to differences in marriage laws,
divorce laws, and the guardianship of minors (Document 533)
- Arbitration of the preferential treatment of claims against
Venezuela (Documents 515–525)
- Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Salvador (Documents 534–541)
- Panama (Documents 542–602)
- Convention between the United States and the Republic of Panama for the
construction of a ship canal to connect the waters of the Atlantic and
Pacific oceans (Document 542)
- Sanitary conditions on the Isthmus of Panama (Documents 543–549)
- Constitution of the Republic of Panama (Documents 550–551)
- Transfer of the Canal Zone to the United States (Documents 552–554)
- Establishment of United States ports, custom-houses, and post-offices in
the Canal Zone (Documents 555–577)
- Extradition of Herman E. Haass (Documents 578–586)
- Seditious and mutinous conduct of the army of Panama (Documents 587–590)
- Payment of the canal indemnity (Documents 591–602)
- Convention between the United States and the Republic of Panama for the
construction of a ship canal to connect the waters of the Atlantic and
Pacific oceans (Document 542)
- Persia (Documents 603–638)
- Passport application of Ablahat Odishu Samuel (Documents 603–604)
- Murder of Rev. Benjamin W. Labaree, an American missionary, in
Persia (Documents 605–638)
- Passport application of Ablahat Odishu Samuel (Documents 603–604)
- Peru (Documents 639–663)
- Settlement of the claim of W. R. Grace & Co. against Peru (Documents 639–641)
- Arbitration of the boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru (Documents 642–645)
- Treaty relating to the demarcation of frontiers between Bolivia and Peru,
and treaty of arbitration respecting the limits of Bolivia and Peru (Document 646)
- Marriages of foreigners in Peru (Documents 647–652)
- Visit of the United States Pacific Squadron to Peru (Document 653)
- Death of President Candamo, of Peru (Documents 654–657)
- Arbitration of the boundary dispute between Colombia and Peru (Documents 658–659)
- Display of the Peruvian flag on anniversaries of other nations and as a
sign of condolence upon the death of chiefs of other States (Documents 660–662)
- Convention for the arbitration of Alto Juruá and Alto Purús claims (Document 663)
- Settlement of the claim of W. R. Grace & Co. against Peru (Documents 639–641)
- Portugal (Documents 664–672)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 664–666)
- Arbitration treaty between Portugal and Spain (Document 667)
- Visit of the United States Battle-Ship Squadron to Lisbon (Documents 668–672)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 664–666)
- Roumania (Documents 673–675)
- Jews in Roumania (Document 673)
- Regulation of the petroleum industry in Roumania (Documents 674–675)
- Jews in Roumania (Document 673)
- Russia (Documents 676–818)
- Difficulty between Russia and Japan (Documents 676–682)
- Protection of Japanese interests in Russia (Documents 683–709)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 710–719)
- Protection of American interests in Korea (Documents 720–721)
- Contraband of war (Documents 722–785)
- Arrest of American newspaper correspondents by Russian authorities (Documents 786–787)
- Passport application of Michael Silberkasten (Documents 788–791)
- Neutrality of the United States in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 792–804)
- Discriminatory treatment of Jews, American citizens, in Russia (Documents 805–807)
- Protection of seals in the North Pacific Ocean (Documents 808–813)
- Firing on British fishing vessels by Russian war vessels in the North
Sea (Documents 814–818)
- Difficulty between Russia and Japan (Documents 676–682)
- Servia (Documents 819–825)
- Spain (Documents 826–837)
- Citizenship of Jorge Grau y Ortegueira, a native Porto Rican (Documents 826–828)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 829–835)
- Settlement of the claim of the International Ocean Telegraph Company
against Spain (Documents 836–837)
- Citizenship of Jorge Grau y Ortegueira, a native Porto Rican (Documents 826–828)
- Sweden and Norway (Documents 838–845)
- Testimonial presented to Capt. Hans Holm, of the Norwegian steamship Bratten, by the United States (Documents 838–839)
- Celebration of the seventy-fifth birthday anniversary of King Oscar (Document 840)
- Protection of the interests of Sweden and Norway in the Dominican Republic
by American consular and naval authorities (Documents 841–845)
- Testimonial presented to Capt. Hans Holm, of the Norwegian steamship Bratten, by the United States (Documents 838–839)
- Switzerland (Documents 846–848)
- Refusal of passport to Jacob Wertli (Documents 846–848)
- Refusal of passport to Jacob Wertli (Documents 846–848)
- Turkey (Documents 849–910)
- Negotiations with the Turkish Government with reference to official
recognition of American educational, charitable, and religious institutions
in Turkey, and other pending questions (Documents 849–883)
- Assault on the American consul at Alexandretta by Turkish officials (Documents 884–888)
- Murder of Rev. Benjamin W. Labaree, an American missionary in Persia (Documents 889–891)
- Revolutionary movement and disturbed condition in Armenia (Documents 892–899)
- New stamp-tax law in Turkey (Documents 900–905)
- Fraudulent naturalization of Stelio E. Pappadimitriou (Documents 906–908)
- Passport fraudulently obtained by Xenophon J. Ralli (Documents 909–910)
- Negotiations with the Turkish Government with reference to official
recognition of American educational, charitable, and religious institutions
in Turkey, and other pending questions (Documents 849–883)
- Uruguay and Paraguay (Documents 911–928)
- Revolution in Uruguay (Documents 911–917)
- Citizenship of persons born in the United States of alien parents (Documents 918–919)
- Citizenship of Louis Eugene Hufnagel, born in Uruguay of naturalized
American parents (Documents 920–924)
- Revolution in Paraguay (Documents 925–927)
- Settlement of the difficulties between Uruguay and the Argentine
Republic (Document 928)
- Revolution in Uruguay (Documents 911–917)
- Venezuela (Documents 929–949)
- Arbitration of Venezuelan claims by the Mixed Claims Commission under
protocols of 1903 (Documents 929–945)
- Message of President Castro to the Venezuelan Congress (Document 946)
- Reestablishment of relations between Venezuela and Colombia (Documents 947–948)
- New constitution of Venezuela (Document 949)
- Arbitration of Venezuelan claims by the Mixed Claims Commission under
protocols of 1903 (Documents 929–945)