- Denunciation of the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation of
1864 (Documents 343–344)
- Annexation of, or protectorate over, the Dominican Republic by the United
States (Document 345)
- License tax on American citizens doing business in Haiti (Documents 346–357)
- License to do business arbitrarily denied to American citizens (Documents 358–362)
- Naturalization treaty between the United States and the Republic of
Haiti (Document 363)
- Treaty between the United States and Haiti extending the time within which
may be effected the exchange of ratifications of the treaty of
naturalization between the two countries, signed March 22, 1902 (Document 364)
- Settlement of the claim of Hall, or Weyman (Document 365)
- Exclusion of Syrians from Haiti (Documents 366–368)
- Protection of naturalized American citizens of Syrian origin (Document 369)
- Fraudulent naturalization of Syrians (Documents 370–377)