Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay.

No. 2481.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a clipping from the Diario Oficial containing the message of President Diaz delivered at the opening of Twenty-second Mexican Congress, on the 16th ultimo, together with a clipping from the Mexican Herald containing a translation of the same.

I have, etc.,

Powell Clayton.

Extracts from Mexican Herald, September 17, 1904.

president’s message to congress.

Last night, with the customary ceremony, President Diaz opened the first period of sessions of the Twenty-second Congress, and on that occasion read a message reviewing the condition of public affairs.

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The following is a translation of the message in question:

Messrs. Deputies, Messrs. Senators:

The fact that the Twenty-second Congress of the union is on this day inaugurated, coupled with the memories which this anniversary arouses in the heart of every Mexican, lends added interest to this solemn ceremony in which I am called on to perform the duty imposed on me by article 63 of our fundamental law.

foreign relations.

In the first place, I take pleasure in informing you that our foreign relations have preserved their friendly character, for, though during the time that has elapsed since my last report an incident occurred which might have had painful results, a friendly disposition on both sides brought it to a satisfactory termination.

incident with guatemala.

The documents published last month in the Diario Oficial will have apprised you that as several soldiers were passing in front of the Mexican legation in Guatemala city in charge of a prisoner the latter escaped and penetrated into the zaguan of the edifice, whither, without asking permission, his custodians followed him and whence they forcibly dragged him out. The minister of Mexico, as soon as informed of the occurrence, lodged a protest, as was his duty, demanding satisfaction for the outrage and the chastisement of the guilty parties. The Government of Guatemala ordered an investigation and, without doubt misinformed as to what had transpired, declined at first to accede to these demands, though expressing regret at the incident. Mindful of the sentiments of fraternity which have always animated us in our relations with Guatemala, the Government was loath to go to extremes in the manifestations of its displeasure and merely took care to instruct its diplomatic representative to press his demands, seeing that the testimony of various persons who had been eyewitnesses of the occurrence left no doubt that an outrage had been committed. It is gratifying to me to inform you that this conduct, marked by both firmness and prudence, produced the desired result, seeing that the Government of Guatemala gave satisfaction to the Government of Mexico by yielding to its demands, which involved an expression of regret at what had occurred and the punishment of the person who proved to have been directly guilty.

relations with paraguay.

For the first time a Mexican minister has visited the capital of Paraguay in acknowledgment of the courtesy of that country in sending a plenipotentiary to this Republic three years ago. Through reports received by the department of foreign relations and through newspapers published in those parts, it has been learned that both the Government and people of Paraguay extended a most cordial welcome to our representative, thus improving the already pleasant relations which have always existed between the two sister nations.

minister from china.

For the first time also our Republic has been visited by a representative of the remote Chinese Empire, who was received both by the governor and the society of the capital with the consideration due to his personal accomplishments and his high mission. On our side a person has been designated to represent the nation at the court of Peking, and any day now he may be expected to present his credentials. Thus diplomatic relations, which will be of mutual advantage, have been established between the two countries.

postal conventions.

There has been promulgated in this country a convention entered into between Mexico and Great Britain for the interchange of postal money orders, enabling the Mexican public to avail itself of this mode of remittance with any other country in the world through the instrumentality of the British post-office.

Two conventions with the Republic of Cuba, one for the interchange of correspondence and the other for the interchange of postal packages, have also been promulgated.

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It is undoubted that these three international agreements will be of mutual advantage to the nations concerned.

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Messrs. Deputies; Messrs. Senators:

If the facts which I have just communicated to you offer no special novelty, they at least portray faithfully the country’s situation as far as the interests, the administration of which has been confided to the Executive, are concerned and corroborate the conviction which now prevails generally throughout the world that the Republic has entered resolutely upon the ways of unquestioned progress. Peace, order, and legality, aided by the sound sense which now characterizes the people of Mexico, are well known to be the causes of this favorable situation in the history of the country. The permanence of those blessings and their increasing development will-depend in future on the same causes, seeing that the obstacles which formerly trammeled public prosperity have been removed, and in order to preserve and expand it indefinitely nothing will be needed but the endeavors and industry of every good citizen and the timely and patriotic labors of the people’s representatives in the exercise of the powers with which the constitution has clothed them.