From Mexican Herald, April 2, 1904.
Last night, with the customary formalities, President Diaz opened the
fourth period of sessions of the Twenty-first Congress, and on that
occasion delivered himself of the following message:
Messrs. Deputies, Messrs.
The recurrence of my appearance before you twice annually in nowise
diminishes the pleasure which this honor affords me, nor the
gratification which I feel in performing a duty imposed upon me by
our fundamental law, viz, the duty of informing you as to the
national business and interests intrusted to the executive
foreign relations;
In the first place, I take pleasure in informing you that our foreign
relations continue unalterably friendly, and in certain cases
positively cordial; they are also being daily extended until they
now embrace certain nations which had never before cultivated the
friendship of Mexico.
mexico and venezuela.
In my last message I had the honor of informing you that the mixed
commission, established by Mexico and Venezuela, had assembled at
Caracas and had entered upon its duties. Although the convention
laid down that only Mexican claims were to be passed upon by the
commission, the Government of Mexico, when consulted as to whether
claims of the opposite side could be taken into consideration,
believed that it was proper and equitable to assent to the proposal,
and an answer to that effect was returned to the commission and to
the Venezuelan chancellerie. It is gratifying to me now to inform
you that, as was to be expected, the commission discharged
conscientiously its delicate trust and that the referee gave a
decision in favor of the Mexican claimants, who, as assignees of
their Government, had justice on their side, considering the origin
of the long-standing debt in question, a debt which the great
Bolivar regarded as sacred.
the republic of panama.
Recent events on the Isthmus of Panama are sufficiently familiar, as
are also the circumstances under which that ancient portion of
Colombia proclaimed its independence. The Mexican Government, which
observes the greatest circumspection in its international relations,
waited to see the results of the important move in question before
recognizing the new order of things. A great number of European
nations, and some nations on this continent, had from the start
extended recognition to the new Republic. At length popular suffrage
in those regions gave to the new government a status of regularity,
and on the other hand there is no danger of its being soon or easily
overthrown. In view of these facts the Mexican Government has
recognized it, wishing at the same time to the new American State
the utmost prosperity and an era of uninterrupted peace.
compulsory arbitration.
The Government of Peru has communicated to our department of foreign
relations its approval of the treaty of compulsory arbitration,
which was signed in this capital on January 29, 1902, by the
delegates of various nations represented at the Pan-American
russo-japanese war.
The Mexican Government having been notified by the diplomatic
representatives of Japan and Russia of the existence of a state of
war between those two
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nations, I hastened (though, in view of Mexico’s remoteness from the
scene of hostilities, there seemed to be no urgent call for action)
to proclaim the measures of neutrality demanded by the fact that our
country is friendly to both belligerents.
relations with persia.
In order to reciprocate the special mission which His Majesty the
Shah of Persia was pleased to send to Mexico the Mexican minister at
Paris, invested with the character of ambasador extraordinary and
plenipotentiary, was sent on a similar special mission to the
capital of the Persian Empire. Both there and during the whole of
his passage through Persian territory our envoy received signal
marks of courtesy and attention. His visit cemented the excellent
relations created by the Persian mission to our country.
a minister from china.
The Imperial Government of China has appointed its representative at
Washington to come to Mexico in a similar capacity. This will be the
first opportunity afforded to us to receive a diplomat from that
interesting nation, with which Mexico for some years past has had a
treaty of friendship and commerce.
new zealand postage
The Government of Great Britain having manifested a desire to reduce
the postage rates on letters addressed from New Zealand to Mexico, a
convention covering the point was recently signed, and to-day it is
sent to the Senate in compliance with the requirements of the
relations with austria.
There will also be sent to that high chamber a convention, signed on
December 31 last, the object of which is to regulate the friendly
relations existing between Mexico and Austria-Hungary on the same
lines as laid down in the treaty of September 17, 1901, with the
single difference that for its validity the period of one year from
the date of the exchange of ratifications has been fixed.
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