Clayton to Mr. Hay.

No. 2181.]

Sir: Referring to the case of Engineer F. Gordon, of the Sonora Railway, reported in my No. 2061, of December 4 last,a as being one of the pending cases of American railway men arrested and imprisoned in Mexico, I have the honor to trasmit herewith copies of further correspondence relating thereto between this embassy and the foreign office.

From the report of Judge Canale, of the district court of Sonora, made to the secretary for foreign affairs, it will be seen that the case of Gordon was dismissed by an order of December 19, 1901, which order was confirmed by the decision of the third circuit court on the 29th of January of the following year.

I have, etc.,

Powell Clayton.
[Inclosure 1.]

Mr. Clayton to Mr. Mariscal.

Mr. Minister: I have the honor to invite your excellency’s attention to the cases of two American citizens in the employ of the Sonora Railway Company, which cases, I am informed, are still pending in the courts—that of Engineer F. Gordon, arrested at Hermosillo on November 3, 1900, charged with running over Jesús Rodriguez, a deaf man, cutting off his feet and that of Engineer C. O. Bean, arrested at Guaymas on August 3, 1902, charged with causing the train under his charge to run over and crush the right leg of a laborer working under a car at the time. Gordon, after twelve days’ imprisonment, was released on $1,000 bond, and Bean, after six days’ imprisonment, was released on a bond for a similar amount, which, in both cases, was given by the Sonora Railway Company.

In view of the length of time that has elapsed since the arrest of these men, I respectfully request the interposition of your excellency’s good offices to procure an early termination of these cases.

I renew, etc.,

Powell Clayton.
[Inclosure 2.—Translation.]

Mr. Mariscal to Mr. Clayton.

Mr. Ambassador: Referring to your excellency’s note of January 27 last, relating, among other matters, to the case of the engineer, F. Gordon, arrested in Hermosillo on November 3, 1900, for having injured Jesús Rodriguez with the train under his charge, I have the honor to transmit to your excellency herewith a copy of a report on this case made by the district judge of Nogales, by which it appears that it was dismissed.

I renew, etc.,

Igno. Mariscal.
[Page 484]

Report of district judge of Nogales in case of Frank A. Gordon, engineer.

To the Citizen Secretary of State and of the Office of Foreign Affairs, Mexico:

The Gordon case:

In this case, after a careful search in the Government book of this court for the last three years, the criminal proceeding, No. 49, had in 1901 in the matter of a derailment of freight train No. 3, which occurred on September 17 between kilometers 384 and 385 of the Sonora Railway, in which the engineer, Frank A. Gordon, and one of the firemen of the train were injured, was all that could be found. By order of December 19 of the said year the said case was dismissed, the same being confirmed by decision of the third circuit court on January 29 of the year following. I can assure the department that during the period to which this report refers no employee of the said railway company of the name of Gordon has been deprived of his liberty by order of this court.

I renew, etc.,

A. D. Canale.