Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay.

No. 1265.]

Sir: With reference to your instruction No. 1307 of the 9th ultimo, relative to the graves of British sailors which have been discovered on Hospital Cay, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, within the limits of the United States naval reservation, I have the honor to inclose herewith, for the information of the Secretary of the Navy, a copy of a note from the foreign office, dated the 16th instant, stating that the lords commissioners of His Majesty’s Admiralty would prefer that the graves recently discovered should remain undisturbed, and at the same time requesting me to convey their thanks for the courteous offer of our Government to take care of the graves, an offer of which they are most happy to avail themselves.

I have, etc.,

Joseph H. Choate.

Mr. Villiers to Mr. Choate.

Your Excellency: With reference to my note of the 24th ultimo, I have the honor to inform your excellency that the lords commissioners of His Majesty’s Admiralty would prefer that the graves recently discovered on Hospital Cay, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, should remain undisturbed.

I have at the same time to convey to your excellency the thanks of the lords commissioners for the courteous offer of the American Government to take care of the graves, an offer of which they are most happy to avail themselves.

I have, etc.

(In the absence of the Marquis of Lansdowne),

F. H. Villiers.