Great Britain
- Difficulty with Venezuela growing out of nonpayment of claims against the
Government of that country of nationals of Great Britain and other
countries (Documents 423–473)
- Protocol of agreement between Venezuela and Great Britain, to which the
United States and other powers are parties, respecting the reference of the
question of the preferential treatment of claims to the tribunal at The
Hague (Document 474)
- Rejection of claims of British subjects on account of losses incurred
through action of United Statee troops in Cuba and the Philippines (Documents 475–476)
- Right of United States consuls to receive effects of United States
citizens deceased on British territory or vessels (Documents 477–478)
- Alaskan boundary: convention between the United States of America and
Great Britain providing for the settlement of questions between the two
countries with respect to the boundary line (Document 479)
- Correspondence between the Governments of the United States and Great
Britain after the ratification of the boundary treaty of January 24,
1903 (Documents 480–536)
- Decision of the Alaskan boundary tribunal under the treaty of January 24,
1903, between the United States and Great Britain (Document 537)
- Regulations governing admission of aliens into the Transvaal and Orange
River colonies (Documents 538–540)
- Graves of British sailors discovered on United States naval reservation at
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (Documents 541–542)
- Commercial treaty between Great Britain and China (Document 543)
- Light and harbor dues in Zanzibar: treaty between the United States and
Great Britain (Document 544)